Free Online url encoder and

Search Engine Optimization

URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

Using a URL Encoder & Decoder tool is a straightforward process, and these tools typically have user-friendly interfaces. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to use such a tool:

URL Encoding:

Access the Tool: Navigate to the URL Encoder & Decoder tool you've chosen. Examples include W3Schools URL Encoder/Decoder, URL-Encode-Decode, or any other tool of your preference.

Locate the Encoding Section: On the tool's webpage, find the section designated for URL encoding. This is where you will input the text you want to encode.

Input the Text: Enter the text you wish to encode into the provided input field. This can be a URL, a specific component of a URL, or any text you want to convert into a URL-safe format.

Perform URL Encoding: Typically, there is a button or option labeled "Encode" or "URL Encode." Click this button to initiate the encoding process.

Retrieve Encoded Result: The tool will display the encoded result, showing how the special characters have been replaced with URL-safe representations. This is the encoded version of your input text.

URL Decoding:

Access the Tool: If you're still on the same tool, navigate to the URL decoding section. If you've closed the page, revisit the URL Encoder & Decoder tool you selected.

Locate the Decoding Section: Find the section designated for URL decoding. This is where you will input the text you want to decode.

Input the Encoded Text: Enter the encoded text into the provided input field. This is the text that you want to convert back to its original form.

Perform URL Decoding: Look for a button or option labeled "Decode" or "URL Decode." Click this button to initiate the decoding process.

Retrieve Decoded Result: The tool will display the decoded result, showing the original text before URL encoding. This is the decoded version of your input text.